TPBS Inspiration: Top 10 Design and Branding Quotes!
Hello there to all of our lovely TPBS readers!
We don’t half love a good quote to get us going, get those creative juices flowing and give us a little food for thought about the brands and businesses we work with every day. Today, we wanted to share that with all of you!
Here’s our favourite quotes from the world of branding, design and advertising – we’d love to read yours!
1. “Although we think that decision-making about brands depends strongly on functional benefits, it all comes down to one question: how will this make me feel?” – Kim Cramer and Alexander Koene, BR-ND (What a great one! How do your favourite brands make you feel? Creating an emotional connection with your customers is vital)
2. “Unless you have absolute clarity of what your brand stands for, everything else is irrelevant.” – Mark Baynes, global cmo, Kellogg Co. (What does your brand stand for? Can’t think? Take some time to figure it out!)
3. “Identity is cause; brand is effect. And the strength of the former influences the strength of the latter.” – Larry Ackerman, The Identity Circle
4. “You do not build brand value by saying how cheap you are. You do build brand value by reinforcing how special you are.” – Larry Light, US brand consultant (We consider this every day, going above and beyond with our customer service to give our customers a fantastic experience.)
5. “A brand is nothing more than a story wrapped around a product or service … the reason we consistently refer to a small handful of brands is because they’re the ones that have got their stories straight.” – Richard Cordiner, planning director, Leo Burnett
6. “Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.” – Jeff Bezos (An oldie but goodie, great one to bear in mind!)
7. “Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated.” ― Paul Rand
8. “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” – Steve Jobs
9. “Typography is the craft of endowing human language with a durable visual form.” – Robert Bringhurst
10. “Design is a plan for arranging elements in such a way as best to accomplish a particular purpose.” – Charles Eames (What purpose are you trying to achieve with the design of your branded bags?)
What are your favourite quotes? What inspires you to keep pushing your brand to be better and better? Tweet us your inspiration to @printedbagshop!
To talk to us about our printed bags and experience our outstanding customer service, get in touch on 0191 268 7555 or sales@theprintedbagshop.co.uk.